JFGI Connections

These are the voices that connect us as a Jewish community.

It’s a Small World After All

Two grade school friends reunite, after years apart, in the same New Mexico Community

George Skadron and Harold B. Albert are both Jewish Indianapolis natives. They celebrated their bar-mitzvahs at the Ruckle Street Beth-El Zedeck Synagogue under Rabbi William Greenfield and attended high s…

Embracing Our Realities

The NEXTGen Department is busy creating two plans for programming in 2021.

The first plan is an all-virtual programming schedule. NEXTGen is planning on creating virtual gathering events, including meditation yoga, professional development courses, virtual coffee chats and basic Hebrew clas…

Safe Indy to Host Various Upcoming Security Trainings


Through the Safe Indy Initiative, Community Security Director Grant Mendenhall is hosting several community training sessions this Spring. He plans to conduct one Situational Awareness Training session and one Countering Active Threat Training each month in March, April and May.

These sessi…

Our Shot: Hooverwood Living’s Story Through the Past Year During a Pandemic

Hooverwood Living closed its doors to visitors last March, even before the state mandate came in to do so. Over the past year, many residents have only been able to see their family members through a glass window or over Facetime to protect them from the COVID-19 virus.

Hooverwood spent a l…

Israel NOW: A Window and a Mirror to Teen Engagement

As educational theorist John Dewey wrote in My Pedagogic Creed more than 120 years ago, education can simply be thought of as “a process of living” and that education should “represent present life – life as real and vital to the [learner] as that which [they] carry on in the home, i…