Young Adults

Engaging the Next Generation

Young leaders are the future of our Jewish community. Our community is engaging younger adults in Judaism’s rich tradition, history and culture with a wide array of programs and social networking opportunities.

NEXTGen (JFGI's group for young adults in their 20s, 30s, and 40s) hosts monthly happy hours, an an­nual "ugly hol­i­day sweater" Chanukah party (pic­tured), the ATID lead­er­ship pro­gram, vol­un­teer ef­forts, and more!

In­dy­Chai (a group for Jews in their 20s and 30s hosted by In­di­anapo­lis He­brew Con­gre­ga­tion) holds Shab­bat din­ners, spir­i­tual dis­cus­sions, movie nights, game nights, break-the-fasts, and more.

Chabad's Young Jew­ish Pro­fes­sion­als group hosts pro­grams like chal­lah bak­ing, Chanukah "Mys­tery Bus Ride" (to Sky­Zone), axe throw­ing, and more.

Indy's branch of Moishe House, led by David Heil­bron and Alexis Grant, hosts Passover seders, Shab­bat din­ners, bagel brunches, local mee­tups (Earth Day at the J, farmer's mar­ket, Broad Rip­ple Duck Race) and more.

Ways to Give

Your donation of any size to the Jewish Federation has enormous impact, helping to meet our communities' urgent needs and build our vital future.




The NEXTGen Game Show

Game Show Battle Rooms 5753 E 86th St
Indianapolis, IN 46250



Cantorial Music Weekend

Chabad Center for Jewish Life JCC Sablowsky Pavilion
Indianapolis, IN 46268



Purim Celebration and Dinner

Chabad Center for Jewish Life 2640 West 96th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268

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