Ukraine: The Invasion, War Crimes, and Humanitarian Support
Monday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom
JCRC and Congregation Beth-El Zedeck invite you to a community-engaging conversation about Ukraine: The Invasion, War Crimes, and Humanitarian Support. What’s happening in Ukraine, and how can we help? Don’t miss this informative conversation between political scientist Dr. Pierre Atlas and local community member and Ukrainian immigrant Michael Voskoboynik, moderated by JCRC’s Holocaust Educator & Human Rights Associate, Amber Maze. R.S.V.P to jgoldstein@bez613.org or (317) 253-3441. This program is supported by The Alan and Linda Cohen Center for Jewish Learning and Living.
The Glick Family and the Herbert Simon Family Foundation have generously offered to mate new donations up to $50,000. Donations can be made here: https://jfgi.givingfuel.com/ukrainian-crisis-fund