
20 2020

Community Briefing with JFGI and Agencies

7:00PM - 8:00PM  

7 - 8 p.m. | Monday, April 20

Jewish Community Agency Executives will each give a brief update on how organizations are responding during the COVID-19 pandemic. A brief Q&A session with our execs will follow. Please come with questions.


Panel featuring: Eric Koehler (CEO of the Jewish Community Center), Evan Lubline (CEO of Hooverwood), Miriam Gettinger (Principal of Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis), Lori Moss,(Executive Director of Jewish Family Services), Lindsey Mintz (Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council), and Debby Barton Grant (CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis).


Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95583594744

Dial: 1 312 626 6799 or 1 929 205 6099

Webinar ID: 955 8359 4744


Please contact info@jfgi.org for more information.