Prayers for Israel

We apologize for an email on Shabbat, but it is of the utmost importance that this is communicated to you.

Once again, on a holy day of the Jewish calendar, the people of Israel have come under attack. Once again, the brave military forces of the State of Israel are responding and will defend our beloved Jewish state. And once again, we stand in total and complete solidarity with our Israeli brethren. We pray for their safety and will do everything we can to ensure the complete and total success of their efforts.

This devastating day brings to mind Israelis with Hoosier connections. Just a few weeks ago, Mayor Ofir Libstein of the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council came to Indianapolis and spoke to our community about his hopes for a brighter future. Community members had lunch with him at his home yesterday. Mayor Libstein told them that his dream was to instill pride in Jewish youth and help them support Israel. This morning, Mayor Libstein was murdered protecting his home and family from Hamas terrorists. May his memory be for a blessing.

Many Hoosiers have moved to Israel and more have family and friends who live in Israel. Over the past decade, our community has formed close bonds with Israeli emissaries (shlichim and shinshinim) who moved to Indianapolis to teach us, our children, and the broader region about Israel. We pray for their continued safety.

We will be sending more information about how you can support our Israeli brethren. Below is a link to donate to an emergency fund created by the Jewish Federations of North America.

We will host a community gathering at Beth-El Zedeck on Monday, October 9, at 5:30 PM. Please allow extra time for security screening. Additional details to follow. 

The prayer for the State of Israel we recite in synagogue every week - including this morning - says ונתת שלום בארץ ושמחת עולם ליושביה - “Grant peace in the land and happiness to all its residents.” On this day, which is the holiday of Simchat Torah in Israel - we literally sing and dance with simcha - with happiness. Today is not a day of simcha in Israel, but it is a day of solidarity, determination, and prayer.

Am Yisrael Chai!                       !עם ישראל חי           

Donate to the Israel Fund 


Visit the JCRC website for additional resources and updates


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