Hooverwood Board Celebrates 44th Annual Meeting

The Hooverwood Board of Directors, residents and staff proudly gathered on Monday, June 23, for the 44th Annual Meeting in Hooverwood’s Fireside Lounge.

The evening included speeches by Board President Mark Sniderman and Executive Director Marc Penner along with a presentation by Pivot Marketing, which highlighted the marketing and social media activities during the last year.
Mark Sniderman led the award presentation. Judy Laikin presented The Sylvia Borns & Frieda Laikin Employee Award to Hawa Mansaray. Hawa, a Licensed Practical Nurse, has been employed at Hooverwood since November, 2012, and works the day shift primarily on the 2B nursing unit. Hawa was awarded Employee of the Month in April 2014 by the management team due to her remarkable dedication and compassion to Hooverwood’s residents.

According to Nursing Administration, “Hawa sees the big picture and never hesitates to jump in as a team player … she is always pleasant, personable and caring … and a role model for our newer staff.”

The Jack & Ruth Ellen Nassberg Volunteer Award was presented to Hooverwood
resident Sheila Nachlis. Sheila joined the Hooverwood family in January, 2012, when she moved to Indianapolis from Pittston, Pennsylvania. After an initial transition period, Sheila soon became involved in resident activities and now serves as the President of the Resident Council.

On a daily basis, Sheila leads the residents in the Main Dining Room in a lunch time blessing and then provides the residents with various announcements including resident birthdays, news events, jokes and scheduled activities. Recently, Sheila has participated in new employee orientation by meeting with the new staff and sharing valuable insight from a resident’s perspective. In addition, Sheila often leads the residents in the Shabbat blessings on Friday evenings and assists the Hooverwood Guild with their mailings.

Sheila is a proud mother and grandmother and greatly enjoys the fun times she is able to experience with her family. She is an inspiration to many other residents, and our community thanks her for all she does for Hooverwood each day.



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