Dr. Boaz Cohen Visits Indy

During the first week of December, Indianapolis had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Boaz Cohen, tenured faculty professor of the Western Galilee College and globally known for his research and publications in Holocaust Studies. Dr. Cohen was the keynote speaker for the Holocaust Studies workshop created and hosted by BJE Director, Rabbi Paula Winnig and Assistant Director, Miles Roger. Teachers from public schools around Indiana and the Haste Hebrew Academy who teach Holocaust Studies attended the workshop.

During his visit Dr. Cohen met with professors from the Indiana University Bornes Jewish Studies Department program, Dr. Pierre Atlas, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director at the Richard G. Lugar Franciscan Center for Global Studies at Marian University. Dr. Cohen engaged our community on both academic and community levels creating new ties and strengthening the relationship that Indianapolis has with the Western Galilee.

To receive the Partnership2Gether e-newsletter with information on programs like this in our community, around the U.S. and in the Western Galilee, email Heidi Benish, JAFI marketing director, at HeidiB@jafi.org.


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