Kehillah College
Sundays for six weeks beginning in October (fall) and February (spring)
12:30-2:00 p.m.
Kehillah College returns this year with two more courses for 11th and 12th graders. The fall topics will be
Israel and the World and Your Inner Voice. Local scholars will come together to give our students an in depth look at the development of the state of Israel with special emphasis on how Israel is perceived by the world today. Your Inner Voice will be a creative writing class helping students develop personal essays, poetry and stories that will help them express who they are. This class will be taught by local poet and essayist, Bonnie Maurer.
Early Childhood Education Program
The BJE early childhood program has expanded this year for extended program days for children 1-6 years old. Contact Elaine Fairfield efairfield@bjeindy.org or call 317.255.3124 to hear about the wonderful programs we have to offer your children.
Hebrew for Adult Learners
Have you always wanted to learn to read and/or speak Hebrew? Have you studied Hebrew in the past, but need a refresher course? The BJE’S Adult Hebrew programs are available on Monday and Wednesday evenings or through special private arrangements.
Hebrew High and Dalet Deli
Hebrew High meets on Thursday nights for students in seventh through ninth grades. This class gives students the opportunity to further their knowledge of modern Hebrew and life in Israel. This is especially perfect for students who plan to travel or study in Israel.
The Dalet Deli is for sixth and seventh graders who want extra Hebrew help as they shmooze with their friends over pizza. Dalet Deli meets on Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
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