This past December 2014, Adopt-a-Family celebrated its 10th anniversary, and we couldn’t be more proud. You have been helping families celebrate the holiday season since 2004! Adopt-a-Family started as a project in partnership with the United Christmas Service to bring Christmas gifts to families. In 2007 the Federation saw a need within our Jewish community and began to work with The Albert & Sara Reuben Senior and Community Resource Center to buy Chanukah gifts for local Jewish families in need.
Adopt-a-Family is a way to make a donation and see its immediate impact in our community. Every year, families fill their wish list with a few gifts for the holiday as well as everyday necessities, and every year, you deliver. You have helped in so many ways. This year’s Community Day was on Sunday, December 7. Together we shopped and wrapped gifts for our families. You made donations and bought much-appreciated gift cards for families. You made Chanukah brighter.
Tyler Burnett, age 12, has participated in Adopt-a-Family since its beginnings in 2004. “I have learned that not everyone is as fortunate as I am," Tyler says. "Adopt-A-Family makes me think about other people and how I can help them. It makes me feel good to help people have a little better holiday. As a Jewish person I’m proud to do nice things for other Jewish people.”
Adopt-a-Family: A Look Back
2004: The Young Leadership Division’s Adopt-a-Family begins in partnership with the United Christmas Service. Ten volunteers help four families.
2008: Adopt-a-Family partners with The Reuben Center to help local Jewish families. A few volunteers with a desire to make a difference saw a need in the Jewish community and helped seven families.
2013: In 2013, 500 volunteers of all ages helped 47 local Jewish households in need during the month of November and on Community Day.
2014: Volunteers of all ages helped 48 local Jewish households in need during the months of November and December and on Community Day. Adopt-a-Family celebrated 10 years!
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