Every family is entitled to celebrate Shabbat, a day of peace, joy, and delicious foods. But what if there is no food to put on the table? What will make Shabbat special if the day is filled with hunger and want?
The Chicken for Shabbat program was implemented to represent the spirit of Shabbat. For Indianapolis’s Jewish Family Services (JFS), the program provides funds for emergency needs for families and individuals in our community. JFS is raising these funds by selling the book A Chicken For Shabbat. Ittells the story of a family who raises chickens on their farm to give to JFS for families in need on Shabbat. Each book is $18, and 100 percent of the proceeds go directly to the JFS emergency needs fund.
This book is a perfect way to make story time with your children or grandchildren a meaningful experience with an important lesson at the end. Children will learn to understand the meaning of tikkun olam by giving to those less fortunate right here in their own neighborhoods. The book makes a perfect gift. Order books at www.jewishindianapolis.org/shabbat-chicken or call 317.259.6822.
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