We will soon be entering the month of Elul on the Jewish calendar. This is the month that immediately precedes the High Holidays and is set aside as a time for introspection as we prepare ourselves for the upcoming Days of Awe. Synagogues blow the shofar each morning to wake us up and break us out of our routines. Our traditions have long known that it’s much easier to do the same things over and over again than it is to do something different- no matter how important it may be.
The same is true for participation in our diverse Indy Jewish community. First during Covid, and now during the warm summer months, we are lulled into a pattern of family and work and may not be so quick to extend ourselves in other ways we might be needed.
I ask you to take a moment and Imagine a Tomorrow when the shofar for your community blows and this time you decide to answer the call. How will you answer? What part of you will be shared to strengthen others?
Perhaps you share your time. Attend services at a synagogue, visit residents at Hooverwood Living, host your friends for a High Holiday meal or Break-the-Fast, or sign up for a program at the Jewish Community Center.
Perhaps you share your talents. Help stock the shelves at Popsie’s Pantry with Jewish Family Services, volunteer in a classroom at Hasten Hebrew Academy, advise the Jewish Community Relations Council on any of the pressing issues facing us today.
Perhaps you share your treasure. Like anything else, giving can become a habit. That can be good when you are compelled to generously support your Federation and our partner institutions but giving can also be a routine when you offer the same amount each year. My hope is that when you imagine the shofar, that you consider breaking a habit and increasing your gift so that we may also grow and evolve to meet the needs of you, your family, and our community.
Nothing that we do is possible without your time, talent and treasure. In this magazine, you will see so many ways your gifts make a difference. This month, we celebrate many family traditions for Sukkot. Adopt-a-Family during the upcoming Jewish Family Service Adopt-a-Family Chanukah initiative, volunteer to make calls or donate to our community’s Annual Campaign during the Super Sunday phone-a-thon.
During this New Year, I encourage you heed the shofar’s call in whatever way is meaningful to you, because being an active participant in this community is worth it all.
L’Shana Tova U’Mituka – Wishing you a Happy and Sweet New Year.
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