Leadership Corner

JFGI Leadership shares its thoughts about a range of topics from Jewish camping to our Jewish community to Israel and more.

State of the Federation


There was a time in my life when I was an active scholar of the American Jewish community in general and Jewish Federations in particular. My doctoral dissertation was called “Machers” and talked about the critical role fundraising plays not just in supporting the Jewish community bu…

Have I got a Jewish community for you!

“Have I got a Jewish community for you!”

I’m of the opinion that most jobs today are in sales. I don’t mean just wholesale or retail. Rather, I think most people are in their own market trying to get people to choose to use one particular travel agency, doctors office, law firm, fin…

Engagement Grows Community

If you were to speak with any Jewish communal professional about the future of our community, it wouldn’t take long for you to notice the word “engagement” over and over again. It might sound like this:

  • “We need to invest in our young people to engage them and ensure our future.…

We Are One

We Are One. I can’t tell you the precise year, but that was the Annual Campaign theme for the Minneapolis Jewish Federation when I was growing up as a member of the “Frozen Chosen” in the 1970s. It’s one of those formative memories that I carry around with me. It sits in my mind alon…

If Not Now, When?

I remember being surprised when I learned that we are supposed to plant most trees in the late fall and early winter. Springtime seems more logical and pleasant because we can then watch the dormant tree flourish with the new season. But, by planting as the ground cools, saplings can develop…