
7 2016

Play Pals Play Group @Hasten Hebrew Academy

9:15AM - 10:45AM  

Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis 6602 Hoover Rd
Indianapolis, IN

A free support group for Indy's Jewish parents who have children in the early childhood stage of development and play group for their babies and tots. The group revolves around the monthly meet ups which take place at the Hasten Hebrew Academy on the first Wednesday of each school month.
Most of the time we will meet in the Big Muscle Room.

Each meet will provide the following:
*A snack and refreshment
*For the parents- support, resources & socialization with other Jewish parents in greater Indy.
Care givers also welcome!
*For the babies and tots- socialization, entertainment, and fun!

Sponsor: Hasten Hebrew Academy, Hhai PTO