
4 2019

MoPo Indy-Self Care NIght

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Moishe Pod Indy Broad Ripple Area
Address Provided with RSVP
Indianapolis, IN

Contact Moishe Pod Indy

For Jewish 20-somethings in the Indianapolis area:

Join for a self-care night complete with facemasks, adult coloring books, good food, and all the other little things to help take a little time for yourself. Come enjoy an evening to relax!

We will be continuing our #LivingYourBestLife series on the Jewish version of character building (mussar) with Rabbi Shelley Goldman in January but this is a great opportunity to catch up if you have not been able to join for the first two sessions!

Moishe Pod Indy is a community for Jewish young adults in their 20s to create a vibrant, meaningful & welcoming Jewish experience. We gather for events centered around Jewish learning, spiritual practice and exploration, Tikkun Olam, community, and good ol' socializing.