
31 2017

IHC Adult Education Winter Series

6:00PM - 7:30PM  

Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation 6501 N Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN

Extend YOUR Roots Through Adult Education
December 6, 13, 20 & January 17, 24, 31
To register, contact Barbara Chapman at barbarac@ihcindy.org.

Aging & Judaism - with Rabbi Brett Krichiver
Wisdom can only be gained through experience and time. Now that we have some of both –how does Judaism invest our next years with meaning and purpose? Join us for an exploration of traditional and contemporary Jewish texts and literature on aging and wisdom.
Fee: $30

The ABC’s of being Jewish / Basic Judaism - with Rabbi Scott Fox
Through classroom conversation and guest speakers, we will investigate practical day-to-day questions and discuss the beauty, depth and complexity of Jewish living.
Fee: $30

Desperate Housewives of the Bible - with Cantor Janice Roger
While most Jews are familiar with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and other men of the Bible, little is known about their wives. Learn about the women behind these men from Biblical and Rabbinic texts. It may not be Wisteria Lane, but these women have some very special stories.
Fee: $30