
9 2017

FILM: They Played for Their Lives

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Lisa Freeman

$ Cost $ 10.00

A film on the anniversary of Kristallnacht
An inspiring film about the life-affirming power of music in the worst of conditions - the concentration camps and ghettos under Nazi Germany. Local Indianapolis resident, Frank Grunwald, is one of the subjects of the film and will entertain the audience with his accordion music after the film. He will be joined by the director and producer (Dr. Nurit Jugend). Kristallnacht is translated as the Night of Broken Glass and commemorates the violence against the Jews in Nazi Germany when Nazis torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, killed close to 100 Jews and arrested and sent tens of thousands to concentration camps.

Sponsor: Gadi Boukai, Talk to Tucker broker