
9 2022

BEZ Hanukah Dinner & the Bible Players: Kabba-LOT of Laughs Shabbat

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Congregation Beth-El Zedeck 600 W. 70th Street
Indianapolis, IN

Beth-El Zedeck’s Hanukah Shabbat and Dinner with The Bible Players:

“Kabba-Lot of Laughs Shabbat”

Friday, December 9 at 6:00 p.m. at BEZ

Don’t miss our festive Hanukah Shabbat with the return of our Hanukah Dinner and special entertainment by The Bible Players. The laughter will last all night long, so be sure to reserve your seats for this de-light-ful Hanukah event! Our Kitah Dalet Siddur Ceremony will take place during the service. The Hanukah Dinner (catered by Sisterhood and Men’s Club) with The Bible Players is by reservation only; the reservation deadline is December 5 (Adults $15, Children ages 2-10 $8, no charge for children under 2). Reserve tickets here:

This event is sponsored by the Alan and Linda Cohen Center for Jewish Learning and Living.